Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. The word “zakat” comes from the Arabic word “zaka” which means purification, growth and blessing. It gives the knowledge about charity, compassion and social justice. This is an obligation in Islam for every Muslim who is financial eligible to share portion from their wealth. It is more than just a charity, it purifies the wealth of the one who share and create economic balance in the society. Today, where the world operas at high speed, Zakat is even more critical. Most people try to give zakat in the month of Ramadan to help the one in need celebrate their eid too. Especially in the last ashra of Ramadan, Muslims tries to perform good deeds to get rewards of laylatul Qadr.
It is repeatedly mentioned in quran that zakat is important along with daily prayers. In Surah Al- Baqarah, Allah commands
“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves—you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.”
People who are eligible for Zakat
Surah At-Tawbah outlined eight categorize for the people who are eligible for zakat, it is clearly mentioned in Quran that zakat is specifically for the people who are in need.
The Poor (Fuqara’)- The people struggle to fulfill their basic needs.
The Needy (Masakeen)- the people who are slightly better than the Fuqara’ but still lack important resources.
Zakat administrator- who takes the responsibility to collect good amount of charity and distribute it to the eligible people according to their needs.
New Muslims (Mu’allafah Qulubuhum)- people who just converted to Islam or people who needs to strengthened their faith.
Those in Debt (Gharimun)- The people cannot repay their debt.
For the cause of Allah (FI Sabilillah)- practices that support justice and welfare.
Wayfarers (Ibn Sabil)- traveler in the need of assistance
Slaves and Captives (Riqab)- The money of Zakat was used to free enslaved people.
Purpose of Zakat
Its purpose is to create a level playing field, similar to how a sports team player assists their teammates. Previously, it was sheering goats, hiding rings, and gold giving. Nowadays, individuals no longer carry physical money, but utilize banks, businesses, and even cellphones to hold their wealth. The great scholars who not only deliver the message of Islam in an understandable manner but also explain how it works with this new stuff as well like science, have deciphered it.
Fighting the Fairness Fight
It hampers inequality assimilation by shifting money from the ones who have more to those who have less. This is all interesting because there are instances where you feel like some people are having all the fun (or money) while others just suffer. It provides equality through giving everyone an equal opportunity to prosper!
The use of Zakat money is not limited to mere demanding of villagers in schools, hospitals, and even clean water. This way all people in the community feel much stronger and more prepared to face the threats that are expecting us in the future. It is like being in a team that constructs a massive sand castle – everybody contributes and everyone gets to play!
Difference Between Zakat and Sadaqah
Both zakat and sadaqah is voluntary charity but there are minor differences that every Muslim should know.
- Zakat is obligatory for the muslims who are eligible, whereas sadaqah amount can be given freely at any time.
- Where zakat has a fixed percentage of (2.5%) and to specific people, sadaqah can be given to anyone in need. There is no fixed amount of percentage for sadaqah.
- Zakat is obligatory and it focus on the purification of wealth and create economic justice, while sadaqah can also be done in the form of charitable deeds, including kind words and good actions.
Today, e-Zakat, an online donation is available! These websites ensure your money reaches the capable hands, just like sending the package to the special friends directly. This is actually good news for you because you’ll know that the money you’re using for Zakat is being really utilized. Actually, more than the money, giving Zakat makes your heart feel great from inside. It speaks of how much you value others and want to be useful to them.
Sensing this warm feeling of being useful to the world and its people is the same as receiving a reward for the job well done. Of course, there are some points that still need to be discussed, like the limit within which money should be spent on expenditures through the new phone. However, there are people who are making a difference in it! What really matters is that it is just a means to connect and to be kind to one another, and that’s something that it will never be irrelevant throughout the ages.